Academic Support
- College Readiness Preparation: $2,500, A new assessment for college readiness and college admissions are going to be put in place, and this grant will provide instruction and 20 remediation licenses to help with test preparation and online practice.
- Culinary Arts Department: $662.21, 2 Additional stand-up mixers, and 2 hand Kitchen Aid mixers to support the departments growing program including the recently added baking and pastry unit.
- Culinary Arts Department: $1080, Professional Grade Stand-Up Mixers and Scale.
- Culinary Arts Department: $643, Chef Jackets for Competitions.
- Culinary Arts Department: $426.34, The Culinary Arts department wants to purchase a smoker to teach their students cooking techniques. They would practice using the smoker and showcase their skills for the faculty and community.
- Math Department: $400.00, AMDM Math Extensions, provides hands on practical applications/activities in mathematics for senior students who may not be planning on attending college upon graduation.
- Media Center: $3,565.78 Maker Carts for the Media Center. These portable carts will be used to transport equipment, like a portable podcast studio, sewing machines and supplies and 3-D printing equipment from the media center to our classrooms.
- Social Studies Department: $492.49, APUSH books. Funds a request for books from Amazon to support the current Advanced Placement US History class.
- Social Studies Department: $714.00, Registration fees for the Stock Market Game a team event intended to educated our 9th Grade Civinomics classes about the stock market.
- Social Studies Department: $1,150.95, Brain Models – Funding to purchase 5 brain models to be used for psychology students and teachers.
- Social Studies Department: $4,815.98, Chromebooks – To supplement limited technology access for their students. The funds are to be used to purchase 20 Chromebooks and a storage/charging station.
- Social Studies Department: $2,500 (2nd grant) For portable carts with 20 Chromebooks and the licensing for each; to double the number of Chromebooks in the department.
- Social Studies Department: $801.56 White Board Walls, for white board tiles to be installed in 6-8 Social Studies classrooms, making one wall in each of those classrooms into a white board for students and teachers to use during class.
- Science Department: $495.18, Bio Pulse Ox, Equipment for 2nd year HL and SL Biology classes for studying heart rate and oxygen saturation.
- Science Department, Chemistry: $1575, Analytical Balance, current scales, which do not meet the precision needs of the department, are being replaced.
- Science Department, Biology: $699, Computer-Based Interactive Biology Case Studies
- Grant will license computer-based case studies that allow students to explore abstract biology-related concepts that cannot be studied directly in high school science labs.
- Social/Emotional Engagement Program: $1725.00, establishes a new program to collect data on the social and emotional of DHS students. Funds will go, in part, towards training and substitute teachers. The school will be paying the remainder of the cost, approximately $5000.00.
- Saturday School: $2,450, Funds will be used to pay teacher/coordinator stipends
- Writing Center: $750, The Writing Center is supervised by teachers for peer to peer tutoring and writing support. Funds are for office supplies and snacks to encourage participation.
- US History Field Trip: $800.00, To offset a portion of the costs for all of the US History students to visit the Civil and Human Rights Museum. Students will be asked to pay a reduced price for the field trip and scholarships will be provided for those who can’t afford the cost of admission.
Arts Support
- Decatur High Bands: $4,000*, Bassoon (*total cost $8000, remainder being funded by DHS Band Boosters).
- Decatur High Bands: $600, grant for a tuba for the Marching Band in partnership with the DEF and band.
- Decatur Performs: $3000.00, Theatrical Projector, A portable projector that can be used to create backdrops and scenery for performances at the high and middle schools.
- Decatur High Chorus: $2000, grant to the Chorus for choir robes.
- Decatur High Chorus: $1637, Additional funds for attire for members of the Chorus.
- Decatur High Chorus: $3800, Seated Risers for Classes and Rehearsals.
- Music/Drama: $5,500+, Funding for the scripts, scores, and musical rights for the drama and musical department’s theatre performances.
- Drama Stage Make-Up: $726, For the Drama department for kits that will be purchased for students to be trained in the application of stage make-up.
- Arts Department: $1,750+, Storage bins for the drama program, a fine arts scanner for artists’ portfolios.
Co-Curricular Support
- Career Tech Instruction (CTI) Support: $750, Field Trips for Students with Disabilities.
- Decatur Housing Authority Computer Lab: $1000, A partnership with the Decatur Educational Foundation to purchase computers for the computer lab at the Decatur Housing Authority. This helps to provide academic support to students who do not have computers in their homes.
- Price for Poverty: $1925.00, Funding to support the “Price for Poverty”, a poverty simulation exercise for our 9th-grade students.
- Response to Intervention (RTI) Support: $1000, Educational Supplies, Response to Intervention (RTI) supports struggling learners by providing interventions at increasing levels of intensity to accelerate their rate of learning. This grant provided essential school supplies that the participants’ families cannot afford.
- RTI Chrome Books: $1,590, For 12 Chromebooks for at-risk students. This grant is made is a partnership with DEF, and its goal is to allow struggling learners to access the extra support they need. The Chromebooks will allow for review of information, instruction in areas of need, and counseling/job searching.
- Response to Intervention (RTI) Support: $800, Healthy Snacks for Before/After School and Saturday Tutoring. Many RTI students come from low-income homes and providing them with fresh, healthy snacks during times of extra academic support helps incentivize their participation and helps them stay focused and energized.
- Spirit Throw Program: $2,000 annually, Spirit Throw blankets for 4-year Honor Roll Students.
- Tutoring Pantry: $750, (2nd grant) Healthy snacks are kept in order to offer students who are coming before or after school for tutoring something to eat before or after a long day and keeping in mind the population and incentive.
- Virtual Book Club: $2500, New Nooks Loaded with Books
- The Somewhat Virtual Book Club @ DHS participates in a monthly virtual online book discussion (via Google Hangout) with students in schools from others states and around the world, including Japan.
Clubs and Organizations
- Academic and Science Bowl Team: $1500, Registration Fees for National High School Championship Tournament.
- Arts and Ceramics Club: $140, Start-Up Funds.
- Brother to Brother: $2,000 grant. This is a program that matches DHS boys with a resident at Trinity house in order to create a mutual relationship of mentoring and support. The money would go towards a monthly dinner shared between the boys and the residents at Trinity.
- Career Association Club: $285, The Career Association Club has partnered with the Georgia Department of Labor Jobs to host an event for the Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Students will host speakers, meet representatives from colleges and universities around the country, and will have an opportunity to participate in the application process.
- Close-Up Scholarships: $1,4000. Close-Up is a club that plans an annual trip to Washington, DC. so that students from all over the country can study the political system and our constitution from a variety of viewpoints. These funds provide scholarships for students who cannot afford the cost of attendance.
- Close-Up Scholarships: $1,6000 (second grant). Close-Up is a club that plans an annual trip to Washington, DC. so that students from all over the country can study the political system and our constitution from a variety of viewpoints. These funds provide scholarships for students who cannot afford the cost of attendance.
- Decatur’s Got Talent: $70, Prize Money for Competition.
- Decatur’s Got Talent: $175, Prize Money for Competition.
- Embroidery Club: $280, funding to purchase supplies for its 28 members.
- JRTOC: $250.00, for a September 11 Memorial Event.
- Photography Club: $100, Start-Up Funds.
- Photography Club: $500, Funds for photography exhibits (printing, framing. Set up costs and food). Also for field trips to museum exhibits.
- Random Acts of Kindness: $350, This club encourages random acts of kindness to be spread throughout the school year. Funds will be used to purchase thank you notes, and small gifts (i.e. Kind bar and school supply item) as rewards for those “Caught being kind”.
- Robotics Team: $1275.00, in grant funding to the Robotics team for the construction of a large robot for the Robotics competition.
- Robotics Team: $2,000, in grant funding to assist the team with funds with their build and offsetting 50% of the costs of registration fees for their annual state championship.
- Science Olympiad: $700, Start-up funds for this new STEM Club. Funds will be used for registration for the competition, materials for activities, and club uniforms/t-shirts.
- SkillsUSA, DHS Chapter: $145, Banners for Competition, SkillsUSA offers citizenship, leadership, employability, technical and professional skills training to high school and college students preparing for careers in trade, technical, and skilled service occupations.
- Student Government Association: $200, Blue and Gold Spirit Paint.
- Tech for Theater/Woodworking: $334.49, After school club that supports the development of carpentry skills to build sets for theatre performances.
- Youth Action Team: $2,800, For registration fees for 7 students and 2 teachers to the Georgia Teen Institute Leadership conference.
Athletic Support
- Diving Team: $300.00 grant for practice fees and diving lessons.
- Ping Pong Club: $500, Two New Ping Pong Tables.
- Swim Team: $994.00 For software that can track student’s times and allow them access in order to track their progress.
- Ultimate Frisbee Club: $625, Competition Funds.
Faculty Support
- Faculty Training: $2500.00, Partner with the school’s administration to sponsor 12 teachers for training and continuing education at the Ron Clark Academy.
- Faculty Wellness Committee: $600, Start-Up Funds for wellness resources for faculty and staff.
- Entrance Rugs: $1981.72, 3 Inlay Mats, with visual representations of the DHS Bulldogs for the main entrances of the school building. Viewed as a tangible effort to build school pride and spirit.
- Clinic Funds: $500, For the Nurse’s clinic to provide supplies that are not covered by the school i.e. blankets, water bottles, ginger ale, snacks, and personal hygiene items.
DHS Hours of Operation
8:35 am - 3:35 pm
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